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The Future of Nursing: Embracing Technology While Preserving Humanity
Cross Country Healthcare, Inc., a pioneering force in tech-driven workforce solutions and advisory services, released its latest nursing and AI research findings. With insights from over 1,100 nursing professionals and students, the study highlights the interplay between revolutionary healthcare technologies and the enduring essence of compassionate care, revealing perspectives among nurses toward integrating AI.

HIMSS 2023 Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey
Building upon research that began in 2004, this survey continues to show that nurse informaticists are a critical human component to broadly enhancing healthcare. We are the driving force behind health innovation and technology to realize the full health potential of every human everywhere. Specifically, nursing informaticists are healthcare information systems developers and implementors who use project and change management expertise and optimize electronic medical health records, quality initiatives and reporting.

Optimizing Patient Care Through Technology & Informatics
With nurses needed more than ever before, some are facing the staffing shortage with a new approach: Technology. Whende M. Carroll, MSN, RN, NI-BC, FHIMSS is a nursing and informatics specialist who is passionate about utilizing data science and tech to revolutionize nursing. Get ready to learn all about the nursing informatics field in and peek at nursing’s future in this exclusive interview.

Role of the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO)
Nurse leaders provide strategic vision and leadership to drive healthcare delivery transformation using data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. This position statement affirms the American Nursing Informatics Association’s (ANIA) support for the Chief Nursing Informatics Officer (CNIO) role as an executive leader and full member of an executive health system team.

NAM Future of Nursing Report 2020-2030 Highlights
The National Academy of Medicine Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Consensus Study committee developed a framework identifying the critical areas for strengthening the nursing profession to meet the challenges of the decade ahead. These areas include the nursing workforce, leadership, nursing education, nurse well-being, emergency preparedness, and response, as well as nursing responsibilities for structural and individual determinants of health.

Every Nurse an E-nurse
This research report sets out a shared vision of a digitally enabled health and social care service that creates improved patient outcomes, better nurse experiences and enhanced workflow efficiencies. It provides excellent examples of how data, information, knowledge, and technology are helping nurses to bring that vision to life. This report also highlights the challenge of a lack of nurse voices in providing digital leadership.

TDC and Evolving Nursing Practice
Nurse Evolution
A primer to improve nurses’ health information technology, data, and creativity literacy for the enhancement and evolution of nursing practice and creating what’s next in nursing.

The Innovation Road Map: A Guide for Nurse Leaders
Rosina Cianelli, Ph.D., RN, MPH, IBCLC, FAAN
Bonnie Clipper, DNP, RN, MA, MBA, CENP, FACHE
Rebecca Freeman, Ph.D., RN, PMP
Jill Goldstein, MS, RN, MA
Tami H. Wyatt, Ph.D., RN, CNE, CHSE, ANEF, FAAN

HIMSS 2020 Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey
Building upon research that began in 2004, the HIMSS 2020 Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey continues to show that nurse informaticists play a crucial role in healthcare. Specifically, they are the driving force behind the development, implementation, and optimization of electronic medical/health records, nursing clinical documentation, point-of-care clinical decision support, and computerized practitioner order entry. Read the full report here.